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5 Powerful Ways to Use Social Media for God’s Glory

We are living in an increasingly digital world. Every day, we spend hours watching relatable content, posting pictures of ourselves, and engaging with accounts that spark our interests. Social media is a large part of who we are, and we can’t avoid its impact on our world.

While many Christians view social media as a threat to our faith, I believe it can actually be an incredible tool to encourage others and spread evangelism. Here are 5 tips to utilize social media to share the Gospel:

1. Develop a brand.

Many of us view branding as something that only businesses or influencers use. However, branding is a tool that everyone can benefit from. Put simply, branding tells your audience who you are and what the purpose of your content is. When developing a brand, ask yourself the questions below. Then, write down and/or remember your responses, and use them to guide the content you share/create.

  • What do I want my audience to gain through my content? This can include encouragement, practical faith application, a deeper understanding of God and His Word, etc.
  • Who is my specific audience? Identify their gender, age range, interests, needs, struggles, passions, and any other information you think is important.
  • Are there any colors, fonts, and aesthetics I can use to create a consistent brand? Using the same fonts and color palettes helps to visually communicate your message with your audience. To see an example, check out my Instagram!
  • Are there specific topics or subjects I want to share? These can include mental health struggles, faithfulness, rest, trusting in God, God’s timing, things God taught me in a season, my testimony, etc.
  • Most importantly, how can I use social media and spiritual gifts to glorify God and share His love with others? Knowing God and helping others to know Him is your why.

2. Be intentional in magnifying Christ.

Intentionality encourages active obedience and invites God to do what only He can do. In everything you do, seek to glorify God with your whole heart. The goal of social media evangelism is not to advance our own name, but to magnify the name of Jesus alone. Before creating, designing, or posting anything, spend time in prayer.

Pray that it would not be your words that you are sharing, but the words that the Holy Spirit gives you. Pray for the one life that will be transformed through your obedience and God’s power. Pray that others would find hope and healing amid a space full of despair and hopelessness. Then, share your faith through the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. This can only come by spending time with Jesus through prayer and reading His Word first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

3. Be consistent.

In my experience, the moment you try to share your faith, you will face numerous obstacles. One of the greatest challenges is busyness. You will feel like you have no time to post, feel overwhelmed, and most often, simply forget. However, keep showing up. You are not just showing up for others- you are also showing up for God.

In order to be consistent, here are some tips:

  • Batch your content. Spend 1-3 days creating content for the next week, month, etc. so you don’t have to share spontaneously. You can do this by designing and saving posts in a folder on Canva or through any other application you choose. By planning, you can be proactive in evangelism.
  • Build a routine. Set a certain time and day for when you will post. (For example, I post on Instagram in the evenings. On Mondays and Fridays, I share reels, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I share posts. However, this schedule is completely flexible and can be changed at any time).
  • Keep showing up, even when it’s really challenging. If you only have time to share 1 Bible verse or write down 1 sentence, do it with joy and anticipation for the ways that God will move! Obedience is not perfection, it’s dedication.

4. Constantly learn from others on social media.

A good teacher is an active student. Follow similar social media accounts that encourage you or do something that you want to learn from/implement. This doesn’t mean you copy people- instead, you are encouraged to boldly share your faith when you are surrounded by others who also evangelize in their own distinct way. Not only will you follow others, but you’ll also get to develop a diverse, digital community of believers fervently living for Jesus. It’s so amazing how many deep Christian friendships can be cultivated through social media!

In case you need inspiration, here are some Instagram accounts that have impacted my own faith:

5. Value souls over statistics.

With social media, it can be so easy to become discouraged. We can’t see people physically react to what we share, and it can feel like what we’re doing isn’t making an eternal impact. We don’t get any likes. Our engagement rates are rapidly declining. You keep showing up, but it feels like no one even cares.

 However, whether your message is reaching thousands or just one individual, your words matter. If even one person reads your content, then you should celebrate the fact that God is using your obedience to plant seeds of hope and encouragement! In God’s kingdom, reaching the one soul is just as important as reaching millions.

Keep being faithful, and trust that God will cause you to bear fruit at the right time. Be bold and unashamed in sharing the Gospel, and watch as the Lord uses you in powerful ways for His glory. When we use social media to be carriers of hope, others’ lives will be eternally transformed.

Jesus calls us to go and make disciples of all nations. Let’s use social media to do this!

Do you have any other questions about sharing your faith on social media? Want to chat with me further? Feel free to email me at!

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