My beloved child,
I know your heart better than anyone else. I’ve picked you up when you’ve fallen down, celebrated each victory with you, held you close as you cried yourself to sleep, and helped you to overcome those deep struggles that no one else knew about. No matter what you face in this life, you will never be alone.
I am walking right beside you, holding your hand and carrying you when you are too weak to stand. I understand you and see you, even when you feel like no one else does.
I loved you enough to die for you. You could never save yourself from the weight of sin or work your way out of the pit of despair. I willingly gave up My life for you because I knew it was the only way for you to gain eternal life and find your home in Me.
You will still make mistakes, but because your hope is in My sacrifice, you are not defined by your sin. You are defined by My all-consuming, unfailing love.

Why are you hiding from Me, beloved? You don’t have to pretend to keep smiling when your heart is breaking. I am here, not just when life is easy, but also when life feels too much for you to bear. Cast your burdens at My feet, for I am gentle and lowly at heart. I can carry every single one of your burdens.
You can be fully vulnerable with Me. I promise you that I will never harm you or take advantage of your weakness. I am the shoulder you can cry on. I cradle every piece of your shattered heart, and when you weep, I weep with you.
My promises are your refuge. I want you to know My Word and walk in the path of righteousness. Satan will try to convince you that you are not good enough, too busy, or too overwhelmed to spend time with Me. Do not allow his lies to gain root in your heart; instead, cling to My everlasting truth.
I delight to hear your voice. You can talk to Me about anything and everything. Your prayers don’t have to be polished or perfect- freely pour out your soul before Me. I understand the groanings of your heart, even if you don’t know how to put what you’re feeling into words.

Be intentional in seeking My voice. The Enemy will try to deceive and distract you with worldly voices, but My voice is different from all the rest.
My voice is still and small. My voice thunders over the mighty waters. My voice is your peace. Follow me, and I will guide you every step of the way. The path is narrow, but it’s the only one that leads to life in abundance.
You were created to know Me and make My name known. Pride is a slippery slope, and it takes more from you than you could ever imagine. Instead of seeking your own glory, aim to reflect My glory. When you glorify Me in everything you do, you actively walk in humility and find complete fulfillment. Obedience doesn’t restrict your freedom- it enables you to embrace your eternal identity and purpose in Me.
I see how hard you’re trying to be faithful. You’ve faced intense spiritual warfare and are continuously being stretched beyond your limits. You’re wondering how much longer you will have to keep fighting, how much longer you can hold on. My child, when you can’t hold on, just be held in My loving arms. I will never let you go.
You don’t have to be the strong one. Through your weakness, I will be your strength. When you feel discouraged and exhausted, I will provide manna for the wilderness. Do not just trust Me with your eternity- you can also trust Me with your today.

I know that you don’t understand what I’m doing right now, but one day, you will. You are bearing fruit, even when you can’t see anything above the soil. You are growing, even when you feel trapped in the same place over and over again. The heat of the fire stings, but it is refining you into pure gold. I am with you in the fire.
I am so, so proud of you! You are making so much progress. Your story and the lessons that you’ve learned in this season are going to point broken souls to My redeeming, restoring love. I am using you to connect with the perfect people at the perfect time.
Do not lose heart. Run your race well, look up, and fix your gaze on Me. Do not compare yourself to other runners or move to other lanes. You are right where you are supposed to be, and I chose you for a reason. Everything you’ve been searching for is found in Me.

Abide in Me. Apart from Me, you can do nothing. Through Me, you can do all things. I love you beyond measure, and nothing can ever snatch you away from my hand.
Never forget that I am with you always, even to the end of the age. My child, I am coming back for you. I love you beyond measure, and nothing can ever snatch you away from my hand.