I will never forget my first years as a soccer player, but not because of our successes. Our team was terrible. We could go months without scoring a single goal. However, through persistence and practice, we consistently improved. We began exercising, working as a team, and gaining skills. Then, on a day I assumed was like any other, we won our first game after a two-year losing streak. In fact, not only did we win the game, but we eventually became one of the strongest teams in our division. Although years passed since then, I will never forget the jubilation in my heart when I realized just how far we’ve come. While that season of my life certainly felt pointless at the moment, it molded me into the person I am today.
Zechariah 4:10 states, “For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.” During Zechariah’s time, Israel was rebuilding God’s temple after gaining freedom from captivity. Over time, the people lost passion and motivation to continue building. When comparing the new temple to how glorious the former structure was, it felt like their work had no purpose. Through this time, Yahweh reminded them that nothing is wasted when we work unto the Lord.

The plumb line that Zechariah talks about is a line with a weight attached to it. Builders use it, especially when constructing tall skyscrapers, to ensure their work is completely centered. It amazes me that even as we are in the process of measuring our lives and ensuring they align with the heart of Jesus, God is already celebrating each small yet groundbreaking step of faith.
What I love most about writing is how impactful it is. Words I craft together hold the power to transform lives. However, when I’m editing a rough draft, it often doesn’t feel that way. The vast majority of the time, I spend hours stuck on a single paragraph or left unsatisfied with everything I created.
Write, edit, rewrite, repeat.
The cycle can be incredibly frustrating when it feels like I didn’t make any progress. Still, when I finally finish, I realize that God used me to create a beautiful work that will last long after I will.
Life is a lot like writing that way.
Jesus places us in certain positions where we often do work that appears monotonous or meaningless. On the contrary, the times we allow Jesus to write our stories are what cultivate incredible growth. Others can partake in God’s goodness because we dared to trust the Lord in the in-between stages of failure and success.
That’s the supernatural power of being faithful in the small beginnings. I can celebrate when I’ve barely laid the foundation of a temple because I place my hope in the character of my Lord. While we will encounter discouragement as we navigate through the challenges of everyday life, God values the mundane moments just as much as the mighty miracles. Our perspective in the ordinary shapes our actions in the extraordinary.

All throughout Scripture, God teaches us the importance of being faithful in the little things.
David’s time tending sheep equipped him to shepherd God’s chosen people and lead them into victory.
Lydia’s experience as a businesswoman allowed her to utilize her creative talents to serve God and the Church.
Peter’s profession as a fisherman prepared him to be a fisher of men and share the Gospel everywhere he traveled.
When our whole lives become an act of worship to our Father, even the smallest, most minuscule acts of obedience create an everlasting impact on the world around us.
Whether you are pushing through the challenges of high school, starting an important project, or just going through the nuances of everyday life, God sees you. This very moment in time is preparing you for the promises and purposes your Father has in store for you. No matter your current circumstances, be faithful in what He already called you to do. From intentionally spending time in God’s Word to sharing the love of Jesus with others, the most important action we can take is to simply show up.
Show up in humility and grace.
Show up, fully expecting God to move powerfully right where you are.
Show up with joy because even the most insignificant work can bring Your Father glory and honor.
When we rely on our limited abilities, the small beginnings are times of frustration and disappointment. However, when we allow Jesus to guide our paths, God takes the little we possess and multiplies it beyond measure for His kingdom.

So today, wherever you’re at or whatever you’re doing, choose to embrace the profound beauty found in the small beginnings.