As this marks the start of An Esther Generation, I would like to show you how this ministry’s story began. As I reflect on this journey, I’m amazed at how the Holy Spirit was already creating a beautiful work in me and through me.
While I’ve believed in Jesus for several years, it wasn’t until middle school and high school that I began pursuing a relationship with Him daily. My church played a significant role in my walk with the Lord, and as I matured, my desire for His Word only grew stronger.
After numerous seasons passed, quarantine hit; it was one of the most life-changing experiences of my life. This period enabled me to know Jesus so personally and intimately. God stripped all my distractions away and reminded me to fix my eyes on Him. He humbled my heart, gave me clarity in my calling, and empowered me to grow in my faith.
I am someone who loves digging deep and unpacking Scripture, so I love finding resources that broaden my perspective. Unfortunately, the more I searched for biblical resources for teenage girls during quarantine, the more frustrated I grew. It discouraged me that all the resources that I hoped to utilize were too childish or worst of all, didn’t even exist.
This challenge occurs because teenagers are in the in-between stages of being a kid and growing up to be an adult. Due to this time of transition, most people don’t think of us or don’t know where to begin when it comes to sharing the Gospel. However, I firmly believe that our teenage years make up who we are, where we’re going, and who we place our hope in. We are an integral part of the Church, and we should be equipped in our relationship with the Lord.

Meanwhile, my church put together a creative lab for high school students. One of my assignments was to post consistently on my social media stories. At first, I planned to do something simple. Still, for some unexplainable reason, I felt a strong desire to do my own online Bible study based on the book of Esther. I knew this was more than just random intuition, so I decided to give it a shot. Before I did this Bible study, my mom and I prayed that whatever I did would glorify God and be multiplied beyond measure in His kingdom.
Every day, I read a chapter from the book of Esther and shared what I learned with my friends. Through this process, I truly felt like I was doing exactly what God called me to. It is not like I witnessed mighty miracles that took place on an everyday basis. On the contrary, God used a seemingly insignificant act of obedience to place a specific desire upon my heart and prepare my future path. Although it appeared ordinary, this was actually the most miraculous moment of all.
In the months after my bible study, I couldn’t stop thinking about more resources that I could create. I began jotting down idea after idea in my notebook. As my goals expanded over time, my aspiration grew to make this my Gold Award project and a ministry that will continue for years.
Looking back, I realize that God allowed me to experience a lack of theological resources so that He could use me to fill this need for others. The temporary frustration I faced was so that people my age could experience the life-changing power of a relationship with Him. From a simple problem I encountered to an incredible experience, the Lord perfectly orchestrated each circumstance to fulfill His perfect plan.
It is not my abilities or perfection that called me- it’s the grace of my Father. I am just an ordinary girl, but I know an extraordinary God. Similarly, I believe you are also called for an amazing purpose. While the story of Esther is the only book in the Bible to never mention Yahweh by name, each word is saturated with His love. Esther’s trust in the Lord amid difficult circumstances reminds us that Jesus solidifies our eternal worth and identity. In a world that tells us to find our satisfaction in temporary pleasures, the book of Esther shows us to find fulfillment in our Savior alone. While you and I will struggle with this along the way, God’s grace never runs dry.

An Esther Generation’s story is still unfinished. There are so many chapters that Jesus is still writing and words that He is still meticulously crafting. While this is only the beginning, I know the Holy Spirit will cause this ministry to grow and touch lives in ways that I cannot even imagine. I am so excited to start this new adventure, and I can’t wait for you to join me as we witness God move!