Ever since I was a little girl, the book of Esther captivated me. I spent hours pouring over the pages, picturing stunning silk robes and glamorous gold crowns as I read along. The story of an insignificant orphan transforming into a breathtaking queen sounded like it came straight out of a fairytale. However, we often forget that Esther’s life wasn’t even remotely perfect. Instead, it was marked by heartache, doubt, and deep struggles. While her situation certainly wasn’t as flawless as we portray it, God still planted Esther in the perfect position of influence to move mountains for His glory.
One of the most well-known phrases in Scripture is Esther 4:14. It says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” While Esther’s uncle Mordecai urges her to rise and fight for her people, this doesn’t stop her from experiencing fear and uncertainty.
Just for a moment, let’s see the world through Esther’s eyes. After becoming an orphan at a young age, she was taken hostage from her home. Then, Esther was imprisoned in hostile territory and treated like a piece of property due to strict gender barriers; at the same time, her beloved people received a gruesome death sentence.
After going through such terrible circumstances, we can only imagine what thoughts were racing through her head. How did she feel to be placed in such an impossible situation? Was she struggling to hold it all together? While the Bible doesn’t tell us this, it focuses on a truth that’s far more important. Just because Esther probably didn’t feel equipped or particularly special doesn’t mean that God did not choose her. Despite the crippling terror she felt, Esther still acted in obedience. She followed Jesus through her fear, knowing that despite the danger she’d face, her God would be with her every step of the way.

Like Esther, God perfectly positioned you in a specific time, with specific people, with specific circumstances, and specific abilities to create eternal change. No matter your situation or background, God has incredible plans to prosper you and give you a beautiful hope found in Him. Obeying His plan is not for our glory, but so that His name is exalted. Ultimately, following the Holy Spirit’s calling for our lives takes a BIG step of obedience, but each move we make positions us to experience our Father like never before. You will encounter challenges along the way, but nothing catches Him by surprise, and nothing can stop our Almighty God from bringing His plan into completion.
As amazing as His vision for our life sounds, God also blesses us with the freedom to choose. It can be really scary and even dangerous to follow the Lord without any limitations. One of my biggest struggles is leaving the security of my comfortable lifestyle in exchange for a completely new dynamic. Esther certainly faced this challenge when speaking for the truth could have resulted in her literal execution. However, just as He was with Esther, God is preparing the way for us. He is giving us the strength to pursue our holy purposes, even when our circumstances are far beyond our control. Although we might not realize it, He already equipped us with everything we need to walk by faith.

I chose to call my ministry An Esther Generation is because I firmly believe God chose us to rise up in the spirit of Esther and honor the calling He placed on our hearts. It won’t be easy, and it definitely won’t be comfortable, but wholly obeying the Lord’s will is one of the greatest decisions we can ever make.
So, what do ordinary girls like us have in common with a beautiful queen? We are all living in a crazy, broken world full of pain and heartache. However, God truly created us for such a time as this. More than just a cheesy saying that we plaster over t-shirts and coffee mugs, this verse is a beautiful reminder of our God-given purpose and identity.
What we do on this side of heaven leaves an enormous, kingdom-sized impact in the generations to come. Serving the Lord right where He has placed us invites Jesus to move in our hearts and leads others to His love through our actions. Just as Esther’s decision to trust Yahweh saved her people from destruction, your act of obedience can also result in transformed lives for the glory of God. Before all else, the story of Esther isn’t about a queen. It’s about King Jesus who showed us the earthshattering power of walking in our calling and living yielded to our Father’s great love.